14 Scary Stories That Happened To People In Real Life

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“My wife and I moved out of state for her to go to school. We didn’t know a single person in the area. My wife befriended a young lady at her part-time job, and my wife invited the new friend and her boyfriend to our place for dinner. They were the first guests we had over.”

“Great food and drink, great conversations, great night.

They asked if we ever watched Unsolved Mysteries, because the show was re-airing an episode that involved an unsolved murder. The murder had happened very close to where each of them lived.

So we watched it, and it was pretty much what the couple had told us.

The murder remained unsolved for five or six years, until a woman went to the police and said that her ex-boyfriend, years before, had confessed to her that he was the one who did it.

The woman and her boyfriend were our first dinner guests in our new town.

I guess the scary part is that they seemed so nice and normal, and how easily my wife and I were charmed by them. How unguarded we were.” 


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