15 Times Men Reeeally Didn’t Understand Women’s Health And Safety Concerns

15 Times Men Reeeally Didn't Understand Women's Health And Safety Concerns


“I have a (mostly) fantastic husband. We had a dog, a german shepherd/grey wolf hybrid, who *absolutely NEEDED* to be walked every day. The only time she could be walked was the evening and I was the only one who would walk her. For the most part I really enjoyed it, it was nice to get out of the house and away from the kids for a short bit plus I loved the bonding time with her. BUT I had more than a few ‘oh fuck’ moments so I would ask my husband to please come with. He absolutely refused. I mean, yeah, once in a blue moon he’d come with but 99.99% of the time I was on my own.”

“I had a HORRIFIC incident that was so bad I *couldn’t* walk her, I could barely leave the house by myself at all without panic after it happened. A few months after, I was finally just determined to get MY walks back so I basically forced him to come with. 

Every time I heard a big truck I’d freeze. My heart would pound and I’d start looking for hiding spots or houses that looked occupied. He watched all this!! He saw my terror. He went two or three more times than right back to me by myself. Even the guys down at the plaza up the block from my house, where I walked through every time and shopped at often so they knew me well and are considered friends, would be horrified that he wouldn’t come with, that he’d actually let me walk around on my own at night.  

They would always hand me some type of weapon when I’d come by, pocket knife, pepper spray, even brass knuckles once. One time one of them actually locked up the shop for a bit to walk part of the way with me because there had been a crowd of rowdier homeless folks that would be in my path, earlier that day and he was concerned. My husband? not one fuck given. So ladies, no, having a husband does not equal safety, even if they *are* wonderful in almost every way.”


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