15 Women Don’t Have Sexual Chemistry With Partners

15 Women Don't Have Sexual Chemistry With Partners


“We’ve been together for the better part of two decades and he’s still my favorite person. We have no major issues in our relationship as we want the same things out of life — we entertain each other and never really fight because we communicate so well with each other. Disagreements never get nasty and there are never really hurt feelings. We never had an overly sexual relationship (I think at the beginning we were having sex maybe once a week). For a while, it made me sad because I was a highly sexual person and he wasn’t. This honestly made me look at how I approached sex and realized being so sexual wasn’t something I wanted to do, but rather the only way I knew how to make a man like me.”

“Granted, I did have a lot of fun being ‘promiscuous’ in my twenties — it wasn’t all for male validation. He had his own hang ups with sex because of a very religious upbringing, so not focusing on the act of sex but developing overall intimacy helped him open up. Still, he doesn’t have a huge libido. 

However, we’ve always been and continue to be very affectionate with each other. We kiss whenever we pass each other at home, we hold hands when we’re walking, we have long, swaying hugs many times during the day. He grabs my butt, we cuddle — we’re generally physically playful. 

When we do have sex (which at this point is a few times a year) it’s enjoyable but definitely not the best I’ve ever had (again, I’m more experienced compared to him). We have some chemistry with each other, we have physical touch constantly, but I guess the penetrative sex part is something we still struggle to perform regularly.”


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