16 People Who Should’ve Thought Twice Before Coming Up With A Bad Lie And Posting It On The Internet

16 People Who Should’ve Thought Twice Before Coming Up With A Bad Lie And Posting It On The Internet

1. This person who lied about buying a faulty product:

2. This person whose height kept changing:

3. This person who claimed to play video games with a member from a pop band:

4. This person who was spreading false rumors about someone’s employment:

5. This person who was called out for living multiple lives:

6. This person who was called out because their age was not adding up:

7. This person who left out some details in their negative review they left:

8. This person who lied about donating bone marrow for some reason:

9. This person who failed to think things through before concocting this story:

10. This person who tried to make themselves seem like a better boss than they were:

11. This person who didn’t know how Tinder worked before posting on Facebook:

12. This person who alleged their child somehow got half their arm tattooed without them knowing:

13. This person who had receipts that their DoorDasher didn’t ring the doorbell:

14. This mom who was called out for lying about their kid’s baseball skills:

15. This person who was called out by her own brother for fabricating stories:

16. And this person who was caught catfishing:

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