16 Small, Medium, And Large Mistakes Bosses Made That Had Me Feeling SO Bad For Their Employees

16 Small, Medium, And Large Mistakes Bosses Made That Had Me Feeling SO Bad For Their Employees

1. This boss brought in teeny tiny drumsticks for employee appreciation:

2. This boss responds with “Ok thanks” to everything — even questions:

3. This boss “cleaned” this employee’s desk…which really just meant throwing everything out:

Apparently, the OP had to dig through trash just to get “personal items, along with client files, receipt records, etc.”:

4. This boss set the heat at 78 degrees in the office (oh, and the office doesn’t have windows):

5. This boss thought it was a good idea to stop carrying dimes in the register because “they always get caught in the change counter”:

6. This boss accidentally ordered small gloves:

7. This boss somehow ran an SUV into an employee’s toolbox and kart:



8. This boss apparently thought installing all these lights was necessary:

9. This boss made a typo:


10. This boss messed up some dates on the calendar:

11. This boss ALWAYS has to touch the screen while pointing:

12. This boss didn’t like the color of the chairs in the break room…but, like, found no replacement:

13. This boss gave a new employee a faded keyboard for their work computer:

Letters…who needs them?

14. This boss gave employees 18 hours’ notice that there will be a mandatory meeting:

15. This boss thought it made sense to schedule a teen employee to come in at 9 a.m. on a school day:

16. And finally, this boss told an employee that these tires were “perfectly fine” for driving:

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