17 Money Things That Older Generations Don’t Understand

17 Money Things That Older Generations Don't Understand


“It isn’t the same as when you were young. The value of money has decreased, and the cost of everything has increased, but no provisions were put in place to ensure that wages increase fairly along with those rising costs. In today’s world, buying a property is completely unreasonable unless you have generational wealth or get lucky. In my area, a property is generally over 10 times a person’s annual salary, and that salary hasn’t gone up in years while inflation continues to increase and increase. No matter what we do, we are on a hamster wheel that leads nowhere.”

“We can save, we can scrimp, we can make the best financial choices and do the best we can in our jobs, but we still end up nowhere. No savings, mountains of debt, and no feasible prospects for ourselves. That is why we are struggling so much as a generation. Your generation does not understand that this is the reality we face: getting paid the same yet every bill going up. And that is with saving and scrimping and doing the best we can, so please explain how it’s harder than when you were younger. And 99% of the time, older generations are responsible for why we are in the position we’re in. There is no accountability for that, and any time there is a possibility that our generation’s prospects could be improved, it’s completely shut down by people who have continually made choices that directly disadvantage us and cause even more problems than they already have.”


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