17 Things Men Do That Surprise Women

17 Things Men Do That Surprise Women


“It’s possible to be a decent guy with social skills and a good heart, yet still struggle to find love. I’ve found that, as a man, if you ever say you’re struggling with dating, YOU, by default, are the problem, and people will turn into private investigators trying to find out what’s wrong with you. Maybe you’re unhygienic, or you just don’t groom yourself, or you’re secretly a misogynist. It has to be something.”

“No, that’s not necessarily true. Assuming that if dating is a struggle for you, you must genuinely be clueless. There are scores of well-put-together men who just aren’t finding love for any number of reasons that are out of their control, and insinuating that they always must be doing something wrong perpetuates the stigma against people who are single in adulthood. The stigma that they’re single because something is wrong with them.

I don’t doubt many men have some ridiculous blind spots in the dating world, but based on the dating discourse I’ve seen on here, it seems many women think all a man has to do is be a good and fun human being and he’ll be snatched up immediately.”


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