18 Pieces Of Advice That Parents Would Give First-Time Parents


“No matter how many articles you read, advice you follow, or how hard you try, sometimes it just comes down to ‘that’s just how your kid is,’ and that’s OK. Examples: My kid was a terrible sleeper for years, then at age 4 something clicked and it was over. I had followed every sleep trick and doctor-recommended crap for years, and then one magical week (when we weren’t trying anything other than what we had been for months), he started sleeping through the night and has ever since.”

“On the flip side of that, my son is an extremely picky eater and has been from birth (seriously even nursing was difficult). I’ve tried everything, even programs I paid for or routines suggested by his doctor. Nothing works. I used to beat myself up about it like I’d failed somehow (because, trust me, people are still vocal about judging us now that he’s 7), but I’ve come to accept that none of us did anything wrong. It’s something we still actively work on, but I no longer beat myself up over it. When people are judgy about it, I usually smile politely and listen to their inevitable advice, knowing, Yup, I tried that too.”


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