20 Scary Stories From People Who Woke Up Mid-Surgery

20 Scary Stories From People Who Woke Up Mid-Surgery


“I was having cataract surgery (late 20s, thanks Mom and Dad for the cool genes). Beforehand, I let them know that I need a bit more pain meds than most people. They were like, ‘Aww you’ll be fine.'”

“I see this crazy bright red gross shit and it’s completely silent. Somehow I was able to get out ‘Guys, I’m awake.’ (At least in my brain that’s what I said.) And it was silent, I was trying so hard not to move my eye because, you know, [a] scalpel near your eyeball/melting your lens is terrifying. I started shaking my hand to get their attention and they finally said ‘We’ve got a mover,’ and, praise God, something about more drugs.

“Everything went well but I get in a panic thinking about that often.”


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