21 Lessons People Learned In 2023 To Bring Into 2024

21 Lessons People Learned In 2023 To Bring Into 2024


“I learned that no matter how many years you’re friends with someone, it doesn’t actually mean they’re good friends to you or that your relationship is healthy.”

“It really is about who you surround yourself with. But being friends with someone since you were in diapers doesn’t mean they actually care about you the way you care about them. My cat passed away this year, and my best friend of 20+ years was not there when I needed her. It was a slap in the face knowing she didn’t prioritise our friendship like I did, but I’ve met someone in the past year who’s been a wonderful friend to me and it feels like I’ve known her all my life. I can’t tolerate one-way friendships anymore, and I need to prioritise the connections that are really meaningful.”


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