22 Partners Whose Lies Were Revealed After Marriage

22 Partners Whose Lies Were Revealed After Marriage


“My best friend was engaged for a year (and was with the guy for five years). She found out less than a month before her wedding that he had planned to kill his ex-wife (mother of his child) after she had married someone else. He had gone up to the mountains where they were having their honeymoon and camped out with a scoped rifle just up the hill from their cabin. He spent an entire week watching them, planning on killing them and then himself if he got the chance. He couldn’t bring himself to do it, so he left after they did.”

“His brother spouted off about it to my friend when he got drunk one night, so she asked her fiancé about it, and he did not deny it. He told her it was all true, and he still thinks about killing his ex-wife. She ended that relationship quickly and got a restraining order. Thankfully, he moved out of state shortly after, so she’s probably safe.”


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