22 Stories Of Older Women Supporting Younger Women

22 Stories Of Older Women Supporting Younger Women


“I was 17 and working at a supermarket. There was a much older guy who worked there, too, and he was the grocery/stock manager. He was always getting way too close and touchy with the younger girls, and he always asked super creepy and invasive questions. Everyone in the store knew about him and his behavior, but it was just a waiting game for him to mess with the wrong person and get fired. That person was named Beth. Beth was the deli manager, and she and I were tight — we’d helped each other out of a lot of spots. One day, I was in the small scanning office with our creepy coworker, and he was being his usual self.”

“Normally, I’d just shut him down or leave the room, but he had me cornered and was asking me inappropriate questions about my dating life and stuff. The next thing I knew, I heard Beth yelling, ‘Um, hello?! What are you doing?! Back the FUCK up!’ She got in his face and pushed me out of there. The next day, the guy got fired and Beth got a raise.”


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