If you relate to any of these stories or if you’re interested in hearing stories from more people, let me know in the comments below! If you have a Gen Z Journal of your own to share, you can fill ...

23 Best And Worst Home Upgrades And Projects Being a homeowner comes with making a lot of decisions —sometimes, what you choose to splurge on is totally worth it, and other times…the regret starts to settle in quickly. Recently, homeowners ...

Older Adults Share Advice With Younger Generations As a Gen Z’er, I always try to be mindful whenever older people give me advice, especially if they were once in my shoes. I personally love being bestowed with new “life lessons,” ...

Older Adults Share Unique Experiences From The Past When I was younger, we had a designated “computer room” in our household, and my mom would always get mad at me because she couldn’t go on the internet while I was ...

“Rearing a child to adulthood requires skills that must morph with each generation because the world around them changes so quickly. What my kids experienced was different from what my father and I did. My grandchildren’s world can’t be compared ...