25 Anonymous Secrets From This Year

25 Anonymous Secrets From This Year


“When I was a teenager, we lived a 20-minute walk from my aunt and uncle’s mansion. My aunt was selfish. She’d assign me and my father chores the minute we walked in the door. Her kids (the oldest was six years younger than me) would kick my shins the entire time. When they were at our home, their kids would jump on furniture, break things, steal things, and lie (in addition to shin-kicking) and their mother thought her kids could do no wrong. We’d often have to go their home for lunch on Saturdays and my mother was always very nervous about it. One Saturday when I was 15, I decided to get revenge on that family. I went into my aunt/uncle’s bedroom, took some of her jewelry, and placed it in my cousin’s underwear drawer. Then I took some of her makeup items and a pair of her panties and hid them in another drawer (so she’d think he was wearing them).”

“Later, when I didn’t feel like babysitting her kids, I said, ‘Evan is a pervert, the last time he was at my house I saw him in my mother’s bathroom putting on her lipstick, and everyone knows he likes wearing your panties.’ It was all bullshit, but I knew she wasn’t going to start questioning him about something that was a taboo. A short time later, Evan was sent to boarding school where things didn’t go well. He ran away three times; on the third time, he got struck and killed by a car on the highway. My aunt couldn’t take it and had a nervous breakdown. My uncle couldn’t take it either and started drinking. Then he drove drunk, injured someone, and got sued, plus he got fired from his law firm. They lost their house, the next oldest son had a drug problem and ended up in jail at 16 for breaking into houses. The kids climbed back up out of poverty but it took years. I later found out that they saw the stuff I stashed in the drawer, figured the oldest had done it, and sent him to boarding school because of it. I only intended to tell them the truth if I ever had the urge to hurt them again, but so far I haven’t. I feel no guilt for it. They were greedy and selfish to begin with.”


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