26 Last Words From Deathbeds You’ll Never Forget


“My father-in-law was known for his lectures on life. It drove me up the wall when he’d come over unannounced. It was then you’d know you were in for a ‘lecture’ and couldn’t just hide or, better yet, lie and tell him we were leaving. So, anyway, in his last 10 years, he was experiencing a lot of health issues, and they didn’t diagnose him with mesothelioma until six months before he died. When he went to hospice, I was the only one who would sit with him.”

“I was studying for my Medical Assistant license, and at first, he would talk with me in between his morphine-induced deliriums, then it was nothing except opening his eyes and smiling and drifting off again. The last night, he ‘woke’ up and said, ‘Hi Brenda, how are you doing?’ He sounded so happy! Then he went back to dreaming in his morphine land. About midnight, I got up to go and bent down to kiss his forehead. He grabbed my hand and said, ‘I’ve got to go.’ And he went.”


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