27 Highly Rated Amazon Products Worth Owning

BuzzFeed Shopping contributor Rachel Dunkel looooves this stuff: “Not my skin above, but I 100% vouch for this liquid exfoliant’s amazingness. It’s helped to even out my skin tone and control the hormonal acne around my mouth. It’s the only thing I feel like has actually helped start to slow down those breakouts, and for that, I’m forever thankful. I apply a thin layer in the morning and at night after cleansing and before moisturizing.”

Promising review:MIRACLE IN A BOTTLE. I have every skin issue you can think of. I’ve spent probably thousands on a multitude of different products, trying to find one that would at least make a dent. I’ve had many procedures and many trips to the dermatologist. Nothing I’ve ever used, nothing I’ve ever done, has made such a profound difference in the appearance of my skin. Having rosacea, my face often felt hot, bumpy, and burned. While my complexion is naturally fair and pink, this has seriously covered all my bases in a gentle and effective way. I’ve been trying to turn my skin around for YEARS! This was the product that did it. If I could give it 100 stars, I would. It has seriously changed my life!” —hc

Price$13+ (available in two sizes)

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