28 Things People Find Annoying As They Age

28 Things People Find Annoying As They Age


“This is going to get me generally hated: dogs. They are everywhere and encroach on all aspects of life. All outdoor spaces seem to be monopolized by dogs and their owners. You can’t enjoy a sunny afternoon in the garden without an accompaniment of yapping dogs. Can’t go on a walk anywhere without having to avoid stepping in dog crap, or seeing bags of dog crap thrown on the ground or hanging from bushes, or a dog bounding up to you and getting its muddy paws and drool on your clothes, while the owner gets very offended if you don’t make a fuss of it and tell them how wonderful their dog is. No other pet is like that.”

“If your neighbor has a cat, hamster, rabbit, snake, tarantula etc., you wouldn’t know unless they told you. If your neighbor has a dog, you, and everyone within 200 feet, knows all about it. It’s down to this weird dog-worshipping culture which seems to have started in the last 10 years or so. Say you don’t like cats, rabbits, snakes, elephants, or any other animal, and nobody bats an eyelid. Say you don’t like children, and nobody bats an eyelid. Say you don’t like dogs, and you get a horrified reaction, as if you’re some sort of psychopath. To be honest, I was always largely indifferent to dogs, but the entitlement of owners is shifting me toward active dislike.”


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