29 Amazing Beauty Products You’ll Use ‘Til They’re Gone

Perfect Image is an independent beauty brand that launched in 2007 as a way to get professional-strength chemical peels in the hands of consumers at an affordable price. 

Promising review: “This stuff is absolutely incredible. In January of 2017, I finally decided to try an at-home peel in conjunction with retinoids. Take a look at the photos I posted, and you’ll see how happy I am with my progress (after the photo on the right, taken June 2017.) I’ve used this peel once a week and have had incredible results. Previously, I did three rounds of Fraxel, which only resulted in severe pain, peeling, and grossness. Oh yes, and an empty savings account. For 30 bucks every few months, I achieved better results than I got at a dermatologist’s office.” —Meredith

Get it from Amazon for $29.95.

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