39 Treats To Reward Yourself After Spring Cleaning

BuzzFeeder Hannah Loewentheil absolutely *loves* this stuff (those are her pictures above!):

“I’ve been doing much more cooking lately. There’s one ingredient that makes even my most average home cooking taste amazing, and it’s this Truff truffle-infused hot sauce. The white truffle infused hot sauce quite literally tastes like heaven, but IMO, the classic black truffle hot sauce is the most versatile and a staple in my kitchen. And while at first $20+ seemed like an absurd price to pay for hot sauce, this stuff is worth the price tag. I mean…truffles. And I’ve tried plenty of truffle-infused hot sauces, olive oils, and what-nots in the past, but they often taste overpowering or low-quality. But this hot sauce is the perfect balance of decadent truffle, heat, spice, and a tiny bit of sweetness. I slather it on pretty much everything savory from eggs and tacos to sandwiches and fried rice. Even if my cooking tastes mediocre at best, a drizzle of this makes it taste almost restaurant quality and so full of flavor.”

Get it from Amazon for $13.49+ (available in five flavors) .

Check out her full Truff hot sauce review to learn more!

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