40 Coincidences That Prove The World Is Small

40 Coincidences That Prove The World Is Small


And: “On our wedding day, my husband and I found out that our families were more intertwined than we thought. At our wedding reception, we found out our cousins were best friends and some of our other cousins had dated each other. What made it even more interesting: We found out our grandmothers were friends. Keep in mind our families never really met prior to our wedding. My mother-in-law then proceeded to tell me a story about my grandmother and my husband. Just a little background, my grandmother is known in our family for being a little witchy/psychic. She was known for predicting pregnancies and gender reveals, among other things. My MIL then proceeded to tell me how my grandmother met my husband when he was a newborn.”

“The story goes as follows: My grandmother went to go visit her friend (my husband’s grandmother) who had this new little bundle of joy at her home. My grandmother was so in love with the new baby that she kept saying she wanted him as her grandson. She then gifted him a little blanket. 

Flash forward 20 years, and my husband and I tied the knot. Later, we moved in with my witchy grandmother. During that time, she was suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. She loved on my husband the entire time and would fully acknowledge him as her grandson and I was just his wife (during lucid episodes, she would recognize me). My grandmother has since passed away. I miss her all the time. My MIL still says she has the blanket that was gifted to her, and my husband jokes that one day, he will find a way to break the spell on the gifted blanket. 

I look back and think my grandmother was magically laying the groundwork for us to find each other. We have been happily married for 24 years. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much abuelita. Talk about a small world and weird coincidences.”


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