A first-generation iPhone could be yours for just $60,000

A U.S.-based auction house is selling a factory-sealed first-generation iPhone, and it’s expected to sell for upwards of $60,00o USD (roughly $81,000 CAD).

Steve Jobs unveiled the small touchscreen device in January 2007. Customers who purchased the phone received it in a black box covered in plastic.

But this box also contains something extra: a little red sticker with the phrase “lucky you” printed next to the apple logo. According to AppleInsider, the sticker may have been part of the holiday season when the first-gen device was sold.

The box measures in at 14 × 9 × 7cm and contains the model A1203 device. An accompanying x-ray from the Wright auction house confirms the device is inside the box, alongside other essentials Apple once included.

Image credit: Wright

Source: Wright Via: AppleInsider

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