All you Need to Know to Develop a Mobile App for Education Industry

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The development of mobile apps has become quite popular in the past few years. The internet has also led to global demand for online learning, which several international organizations are meeting. Although many advantages go with building mobile app for education industry. This article will introduce you to some of the most important fundamental aspects you should understand before developing an app for a company or institution.


The education industry is one of the most lucrative sectors in the current age. With the introduction of online learning platforms, educational institutes and courses have become much more affordable, which has led to the development of online programs for various subjects. This has also increased the number of individuals taking online classes to accelerate their education. Suppose we dive deep into the development of mobile educational apps. In that case, all aspects of this business can be split into app-based and platform-based learning.

Market Scope of Education Mobile App Development

Global Mobile Learning Market Could Cross $80 Billion By 2027. The scope of app-based learning platforms has expanded over the years. Several companies, such as Khan Academy, CodeAcademy, and TeamTreehouse, have successfully provided quality education through mobile apps. Many advantages go with building mobile app for education industries. This includes the fact that students can learn at their own pace, making it convenient for individuals with busy schedules to go through the curriculum they wish to follow. Mobile learning applications also help improve the data collection process, one of the most significant advantages of this form of education delivery system.

Another aspect that makes mobile app development a beneficial option for educational institutes is their ability to reach a wider audience.

What are the must-have features for a winning educational app?

Mobile app development is a lucrative industry, meaning numerous organizations specialize in providing quality mobile apps to their clients. However, you must understand that several factors make a successful application before embarking on an app creation process. Before you develop a mobile app for education industry, you must identify and understand the essential features that will help you succeed in this area.

Features for teachers:


Teachers are the most prominent investors in many educational institutes. The success of an application is greatly affected by the content and tools that the faculty can use to interact with the students. With this in mind, you must develop a mobile app that caters to all of their needs while keeping in mind that they have different expectations than other users in similar fields.


There are many types of learners which means that you must have flexible features, whether for visual learners or language learners.


Develop an app that includes various interactive aspects such as quizzes and sharing capabilities so that your users interact more with the content displayed on your software.


The educational app market has become quite large, so many organizations will offer quality mobile applications to help you create the tools and resources you need to enhance your product.

Platform Support:

The app’s success will be significantly affected by how well it is supported by one of the most popular platforms- iOS and Android.

Student management:

The app will be considered a success only when you can provide effective student tracking, scheduling, and monitoring.


Develop an app that allows you to analyze data such as engagement and retention rates to collect information and figure out what your users like most about the program. This way, they will have a better time using the mobile application.

Features for students:

1. A student profile:

This is essential for the success of mobile applications used by educational institutes. You must develop a profile for each student, which includes their name, photo, contacts list, and preferences in terms of communication with fellow students, faculty, or other educators.

2. The course catalog:

Develop a resource that allows students to browse through the course catalog without any issues conveniently. The catalog should include details about the program, such as its tuition fee, duration, and prerequisites, so they can understand whether they are eligible to enroll in the chosen course.

3. The schedule:

Students should be able to keep track of their classes and ensure that the class time is convenient. However, this does not mean that you must have a detailed schedule for each product. You can simply provide students with a calendar to keep track of the classes in their college schedules, but also consider how much time they will have to finish their coursework.

4. Student dashboard:

This essential feature allows students to easily access information such as their learning, academic, and overall progress. You must also provide students with a way to adjust their schedule to figure out the best time to work on a particular subject.

5. Communication:

The success of this mobile app will be significantly affected by its ability to allow students to communicate easily with a single application rather than using multiple social media platforms, emails, instant messaging, and various other means for speaking about their life at school.

6. Class activities:

Allow your users to view the assignments, ask questions or check how well they complete the program from within your mobile application.

7. Payments:

Your application must be able to conduct transactions in different currencies and provide easy access to payment methods so that students can pay their course fees or tuition.

8. Achievements:

For educational institutes, this feature allows students to get a sense of accomplishment after they have completed the classes and program within a reasonable time frame. This will encourage them to continue with their learning process.

Hire a mobile app development company:

Once you have the idea and features you want in your educational mobile app, you will need to hire a mobile app development company to help you with the process. When choosing the right company for this job, there are several things to consider.


Choose a team who has experience in the development of a mobile app for education industry so that they can help you avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with app creation.


Select a mobile application development company that can provide state-of-the-art technology to help ensure efficiency and high quality in your finished product.


The development costs of an educational app will varies and it depends on the type and features you want in your software.

We at Zobi Web Solutions have significant experience in developing applications of all types and sizes, as well as successful experience in working with several education companies. Our expertise in development of mobile apps for education industry allows us to deliver the best solutions. When you hire us, you will receive a full range of professional services to help you create a high-quality educational app.

If you want to get a glimpse of our previous work relevant to the education industry, then check out our recent project Maestro.

Maestro is an online platform that permits anyone to participate in a wide range of live classes, sessions, and industry experts’ life experiences. Our developers have made it with a user-friendly interface so that it will be very user-friendly. The app has been developed using the latest technologies and high-quality standards. Maestro is a fully integrated solution with an online payment gateway and other necessary functionalities.

Zobi Web Solutions can help you to develop a mobile app for education industry that provides the best experience to your users. We offer only the best mobile app development services because we understand your need to create an application that will provide your users with the most convenient way to access massive amounts of information. We have extensive experience in developing iOS and Android applications and providing state-of-the-art technology for our customers at Zobi Web Solutions.

Contact us now to discuss your project ideas and needs, get more information on our services, and learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

Let’s start working on your educational mobile application together!


You will be able to gain a lot of benefits from the use of educational mobile applications. They help students to learn in a fun way and also boost their performance in class. Educational mobile apps have websites that enable students to stay connected. These applications are helpful for teachers as they can easily manage the number of projects that need to be done by their students, and they can also communicate with them a lot easier through these applications.

This together makes the classroom environment more enjoyable and effective, encouraging kids to learn more actively, which is essential for their future success.

Educational apps have grown so much in the last few years, and there is a good reason for that. This is how children absorb information, and this will be something they will use throughout the rest of their lives… so why not use it for their advantage?



Why do mobile educational apps work so well?

Students love them as they make studying much more interactive, fun, and engaging. This makes it easier for students to retain the knowledge they are gaining in class.

What types of educational apps exist?

There are several different types, such as flashcards, teaching tools, financing calculators, and games. We can specifically create a customized dashboard for your educational mobile app!

Who can benefit from using this kind of application?

Students in schools, colleges, and universities, as well as professional people who need to stay on top of their game, will most likely find this software useful. It is also great for students with learning difficulties/disabilities who need extra support.

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