Are Boomer Parents Getting Meaner As They Age?

Are Boomer Parents Getting Meaner As They Age?

Others cited social media and technology as possible culprits.

“For all the talk they make about, ‘We didn’t have all these screens when we were your age,’ I think social media is wreaking havoc on the older generation as much as the younger.”


“I legit said this to my dad the last time I was at their house. He sat on his phone the whole time, and I was like, ‘that thing’s going to rot your brain,’ and he scoffed at me, and still sat on his phone. Like, if I had a nickel for the number of times he yelled at us kids to turn off the TV growing up, I’d be f*cking rich.”


“My Silent Gen mom gets meaner and more passive-aggressive by the day. She’s angry, and social media keeps her raging, afraid, and marinating in conspiracy theories. I rue the day I ever got her an iPad and set up a Facebook account. It’s utterly tragic.”


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