Are Roaches More Active in Spring? – LifeSavvy


No one wants to see cockroaches scurrying about any time of year. But, have you ever wondered if they’re more active during a specific season? Specifically, are you more likely to see spring cockroaches?

While roaches are “in-season” year-round, they go dormant in the winter, so yes, you’re likely to start seeing more of them as the weather warms up.

Does that mean there are more cockroaches in the spring? Not necessarily. They’re just more active than they were during the colder months, so they’ll tend to be out and about, potentially in your home.

Let’s face it, having cockroaches in your home any time of year can make you cringe. So, what can you do if you start seeing them around the house this spring?

Roaches love warm, moist environments. That’s why you’re most likely to see them in your kitchen and bathroom when spring rolls around. Thankfully, there are things you can do to keep them at bay and even help to prevent them completely.

First, make sure you’re not giving them any food sources! Keep your home as clean as possible (a perfect excuse to start spring cleaning!). Clear out clutter, vacuum and mop any food spills, and opt for plastic storage bins instead of cardboard.

This time of year is also perfect for drying out your home. Because roaches are attracted to moisture, keep things cool and dry by checking for any plumbing issues and keeping your property well-ventilated.

Roaches never really go away. But, after quietly lurking all winter, they’re always ready to come out and wreak havoc in homes during the spring. Protect yourself, your family, and your property as much as possible.

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