Redesigned new cover screen Samsung has made exciting developments with the Galaxy Z Flip 5. The cover screen is nearly twice as large now and can be used to do almost anything thanks to fun widgets and personalizable wallpapers. You ...

Modern Android phones with Bluetooth 5 and later versions can connect to multiple Bluetooth devices simultaneously. This means that you can connect two or three different wireless earbuds and speakers to your phone at the same time. If you have ...

Android 12 and later devices have a neat safety feature baked into the OS. Designed for safety purposes, the Lockdown button allows you to hard lock your Android device and disable biometrics such as Face Unlock and the fingerprint sensor. ...

If you haven’t caught on already, Onyx Boox is slowly starting to make a name for itself in the e-reader and E Ink tablet space. The brand’s products are generally expensive, especially when pitted against Amazon’s cheap Kindle devices, but ...

In just a few short years, big phones have gone from being an outlier to the norm in the smartphone industry. Just about every major device released these days has a larger physical size, and while that’s great for watching ...