Companies like Amazon and Facebook have systems that continually respond to how users interact with their apps to make the user experience easier. What if educators could use the same strategy of “adaptive experimentation” to regularly improve their teaching materials? ...

Kareem Edouard has been doing research for years on how to make children’s media more inclusive. And these days he’s putting those ideas into practice — on a big platform. He’s applying his research as a creative producer for a ...

Justin Reich now teaches digital media at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but his first job was teaching a short wilderness medicine course. It was a hands-on course where a volunteer pretended to have, say, a broken leg — complete ...

Campuses are back open as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes, but plenty of students continue to take classes online — especially at community colleges. But are these online students as engaged as those in traditional classes? That was the research question ...

Little kids make better philosophers than most adults. That’s the surprising argument made by Scott Hershovitz, a professor of philosophy and law at the University of Michigan. And he worries that too often, teachers and other adults brush off or ...