French authorities have extended the detention of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, after arresting him at a Paris airport on Saturday. The Russian-born tech entrepreneur is accused of several crimes related to his messaging app, including fraud, drug trafficking, ...

Amid the rapid evolution of the digital landscape, organizations are adopting cloud-native architectures to streamline operations, reduce costs, and accelerate scaling. The shift towards microservices and containers has become increasingly popular as businesses demand agility, resilience, and ease of deployment. ...

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash Cryptocurrency is gradually becoming a crucial issue for candidates in the US elections as the date draws nearer. Major American exchange Coinbase conducted a survey to determine whether or not young crypto holders in ...

Earlier this year the German automotive giant BMW signed a commercial agreement with Figure, a start-up maker of AI-powered humanoid robots. The deal will foster the introduction of those intelligent walking automatons first to the company’s Spartanburg, South Carolina manufacturing ...

In the year 2023, the global IT spending in the field of telecommunications was expected to reach about 1.5 trillion US dollars. This increasingly commoditised investment is pouring significant resources in the tech solutions that enable the high end ability ...