And so, every month, we put together a roundup of the best new fonts for web designers. In this roundup of the year, we look back at the past twelve months and showcase our forty favorite fonts of 2022. Enjoy! Tellumo Tellumo ...

As ever, the design world isn’t isolated from the world in which it exists, so when events shape our lives, they impact our work, the work clients ask for, and the work that inspires us. According to Collins Dictionary, the ...

And so, every month, we put together this roundup of the 15 best new fonts we’ve found on the web in the previous four weeks. Enjoy! Bulk Bulk is an awesome typeface that challenges how letters are constructed. Bulk uses ...

Despite the massive strides tech has taken in the last few years, we rarely see a week as tumultuous as this. When your grandkids ask you where you were when AI took over, you’ll be reminiscing about February 2023. ChatGPT Goes ​‘Pro’ ...

The fonts you embed in your website transform the design and can mean the difference between an extraordinary brand experience and a high bounce rate. And so, every month, we put together this roundup of the fifteen best new fonts ...