Things That Scared Kids In The 1980s 1. Being very creeped out by the faces of your Cabbage Patch Kids dolls after hearing the urban legend that they were designed to get people used to what the kids of survivors ...

Probably feels like just yesterday you were straining your eyes trying to see the 3D image in a Magic Eye book and not because you forgot your readers and are trying to read a menu. 🫤 View Entire Post › ...

Last month, in honor of the Hot 100’s 65th anniversary, the staff at Billboard magazine put together a ranked list of the 500 best pop songs of all time (well since 1958 at least!). And the list really is way ...

From creating a social media account for a fake cousin in order to fit in with friends to writing an entire diary entry on a school exam paper, I can see why they chose to keep it to themselves. View ...

@nytopinion Jessica Bennett, who teaches journalism at New York University and is a middle-aged millennial, recently found herself at the same bar as one of her students. She had gone there because it’s in her neighborhood and it serves only ...