—thevaultguy “My sister was such a line hog we ended up getting a second phone line for dial-up. She would also insist on staying logged into AIM with an away message on at all hours (total status symbol at the ...

Okay, I think we can’t blame greedflation for thrift stores jacking up their prices, I think that’s 100% because of all those TikTok videos of resellers showing off their scores vs. what they sold it on eBay for. View Entire ...

14. “The width of the lanes on the highway!” —lezgihopkins “I’m an American living abroad, and I miss this the most. That, and how straight most roads are since so much of the country is flat. I have to drive ...

—cjmusic6969 “Last season was shit, but I don’t regret watching the show in the slightest. The first few seasons are truly, genuinely the greatest TV of all time.” —bootyholebrown69 “As a big fan of the show, I’d say that the ...

27 Things Millennials And Gen X’ers Have Forgotten About 1. Waking up to your favorite radio station whenever the alarm went off on your Sony Dream Machine: 2. Just how controversial The Simpsons were, and how Bart was a bad ...