“Canada is inverse Australia. In Australia, everything looks terrifying, but if you keep your distance, most of it just wants to be left alone, and most of the time, it’s just as terrified of you (except for the birds, they’re ...

Literally all of us have been scarred for life by at least one kids’ movie. View Entire Post › Source link ...

“As a psych major, I find true crime fascinating, but this case opened my eyes to the fact that the public’s fascination with true crime affects everyone around it. Netflix made a docuseries about the murders, and it made Paul ...

Recently, Reddit user _Persona-Non-Grata posed the intriguing question, “What are some mysterious, cult-like, bad-vibes towns across the USA?” to the people of AskReddit. Suffice it to say, as someone who’s been on many roadtrips, I just had to know what ...

25. “Where do I start? My mother was adopted. I always knew that. My parents divorced when I was six years old and my brother was three. My father remarried and had a daughter with his new wife…let’s call my ...