35 Poor Souls Who Spent A Toooooon Of Money On Something And Pretty Much Immediately Regretted It 1. The person whose sandwich is, quite simply, an affront to all that’s holy: 2. The person who is either the biggest human ...

50 Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Month Than You If you just had yourself an absolutely terrible, no-good, bad-bad-bad month, just remember…. 1. The person whose ...

My Dumb Little Brain Is Completely And Totally Blown After Seeing These 50 Absolutely Fascinating Pictures For The First Time Last Month 1. This is what an owl looks like without feathers: 2. Michelangelo’s “David” is really, really big: 3. ...

The 50 Most Cringeworthy And Embarrassing Things Americans Actually Said On The Internet In 2023 1. On the American educational system: 7. On a good old fashioned American education: 22. On the creation of language: 24. On the American utopia: ...

85 Of The Absolute Dumbest Things People Actually Posted On The Internet In 2022 8. On the animal kingdom: 9. On the miracle of life: 15. On the upcoming time change: 24. On the duality of Andre: 46. On delicious ...