Though there are many ways you can create QR code for a URL, like through online and offline tools, however, there’s a fairly simple way to create a QR code using Google Sheets as well. In this post, I’ll show ...

When it comes to stock investment, one of the most difficult aspects is managing your portfolio. One has to maintain a record of one’s stock holdings and keep track of the current gains or losses – all of which make ...

Most of us have been using Microsoft products and services like the Windows operating system, MS Word, or Outlook for ages. But what some of you may not know is that by using these (and many more) products, you can ...

The web is brimming with text-to-speech tools, but most of the good ones (with realistic/ natural speech) aren’t free. Nevertheless, we’ve stumbled upon some tools that are free and offer high-quality output. Following is a list of some of the ...

How to Backup iPhone Photos to Mac (or External Device) – Hongkiat Please enable JavaScript in your browser to enjoy a better experience. Backup all your iPhone data isn’t that hard; you can do it via iCloud ...