Most movie explosions are a combination of blowing up sets built for the movie and visual effects. However, the production team on The Dark Knight found an old candy factory that was already scheduled for demolition. They transformed the exterior ...

Random Facts That Sound Fake The truth is stranger than fiction. So, I decided to round up 17 facts to prove it. Happy scrolling! 2. The longest human pregnancy was over a year long. 3. There are way more than ...

“It‘s about a man attempting to flee his empty existence by accepting an offer to travel to the Amazon and seek out primitive communities to study their instruments. As he travels down the river, he kind of travels back in ...

Random Science Facts That Are Useless But Interesting Look, unless you’re a scientist or work for a quiz show, you probably don’t need to know anything that’s on this list. But, since you clicked on this article, I’m willing to ...

Bizarre History Facts That Sound Fake So, I decided to compile 15 of my favourite random history facts. Enjoy! 1. Technically, the first President of the United States was not George Washington. 3. Victorians ate arsenic to make their complexion ...