Instead of constantly reminding yourself to stand up straight, you may want to focus on strengthening specific muscle groups. By working out, you’re allowing these muscles to better support your spine and help your body comfortably stand up straight without ...

Between work, errands, family obligations and household chores, life is busy. Taking time for yourself may not be feasible right now and that’s OK. If you can’t fit in the recommended 21 minutes of walking a day, start small.  “Even ...

Your dog may exhibit body language that shows how they’re feeling. However, they can’t flat-out tell someone to back off — but you can. It’s OK to voice your dog’s comforts and discomforts to people around you, whether they’re your ...

“Like most trajectories of age, or conditions of life, it is a combination of biology, environment and personal agency,” she said. According to Jennifer Ailshire, an associate professor of gerontology at the University of Southern California, some SuperAgers may have ...

“I also would never ignore my regular dental checkups,” Manning said. “Routine dental checkups are crucial for maintaining oral health and catching dental issues early.” In terms of how often you should visit your dentist for routine checkups, it depends ...