In March, it felt like large language models sucked all the air out of the room. There were so many announcements and claims and new waiting lists to join that it was difficult to find news about other important technologies. Those ...

ChatGPT, or something built on ChatGPT, or something that’s like ChatGPT, has been in the news almost constantly since ChatGPT was opened to the public in November 2022. What is it, how does it work, what can it do, and ...

A couple of days ago, I was thinking about what you needed to know to use ChatGPT (or Bing/Sydney, or any similar service). It’s easy to ask it questions, but we all know that these large language models frequently generate ...

We’ve all been impressed by the generative art models: DALL-E, Imagen, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and now Facebook’s generative video model, Make-A-Video. They’re easy to use, and the results are impressive. They also raise some fascinating questions about programming languages. Prompt ...

This summer, we started asking about “technical health.” We don’t see a lot of people asking what it means to use technology in healthy ways, at least not in so many words. That’s understandable because “technical health” is so broad ...