It is important to make sure that sensitive information does not get logged by your application. Logging is an important tool for troubleshooting your app, however, it can be easy to accidentally log passwords, emails, or other sensitive information. For ...

I recently worked on a few benchmarks for a database and while coding it used the power of generics to write as little code as possible. In the benchmark, I had two different DAO classes and corresponding Domain Objects that ...

Hibernate makes working with the database a lot easier. You just need to define your entities and the library does the job of retrieving data or persisting your objects. This is true for all modern JPA libraries, like Hibernate or ...

There are situations when you have to intercept all requests coming into your application in order to do some processing prior to handling the request or doing some cleanup after it was handled. A good example that I usually give, ...

This article may be the hardest I wrote so far here. Not because it is really technical nor because it required a lot of research prior, but because it is controversial and I had to be sure that the arguments ...