Making sure food and beverages are served at the appropriate temperature and washing your hands before eating are two of the most important guidelines. There are a few other items experts say are safest to consume.  “I’m going to trust ...

“You should automate everything you can about saving so that you don’t have to make a conscious decision to do it,” Lester said. “[If you don’t] you set up a conversation … with yourself about what you could be doing ...

“We’re eating a lot of added sugars. It’s everywhere,” Anderson-Haynes said. If you overdo it, “you’re actually damaging the process of how your body repairs and creates collagen in the body,” she said — and collagen is essential for skin ...

“When we’re … busy with our professional and social lives, it’s a natural tendency to pick something that is quick [that] you can pop in the microwave or go to a drive-thru,” Tan said. “[But] in the long term, that ...

“There’s that saying, ‘Your lack of time management is not my problem.’ … That is how I feel about people who are in a rush,” Cardosa said. When he worked in Times Square, he frequently had customers come in and ...