There are a number of developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence that signal it might be time for a directional change. Progress has been rapid in the last few years and AI is being implemented faster than we’ve had ...

An article was published recently entitled ‘Quantum mechanics could explain why DNA can spontaneously mutate’. If you aren’t that familiar with quantum mechanics, the key takeaway that makes this headline startling is that it claims there is a quantum impact ...

As humans we feel duty bound to point out how much we know to others, especially if we think it’s incorrect. We do it often, sometimes in real life and frequently online. Reddit, twitter, Facebook, especially Quora, any forum on ...

Imagine a world where robots, highly trained and specialized, exhibit their vast intelligence by creating unique works of art, all on their own. Perhaps in this world you would also encounter art exhibitions featuring hybrid AI creatures that interact with ...

In recent years, decentralized social networks have gained a lot of attention as an alternative to centralized platforms that collect and control user data. At the same time, generative AI has made significant strides in creating realistic and engaging content. ...