For the last few years I’ve been focused on a problem – collecting human sourced recommendations i.e. new content – and getting it to people who need it.    The hardest part is that humans don’t always realize what new ...

I’ve been searching for some kind of mathematical calculation that could be used as a value for wisdom. It’s a pretty tall order as wisdom itself is prone to a lot of subjectivity. What exactly constitutes wisdom and who can ...

I’ve always been so grateful whenever I’ve received a helpful recommendation of what to read or watch. This led me to consider whether it was possible to build a service that could capture that sentiment and scale it. After all ...

We have enormous amounts of knowledge at our disposal so you’d think it would be easy to become an expert these days. If only this were true! Sadly we aren’t all super smart just because the internet exists. Despite the ...

In October 2021, we conducted user research to understand how people gain knowledge, specifically when they want to learn about something new. Why did we do it? Our Recommend feature is all about finding shortcuts to wisdom so we wanted ...