Verdict The feature-packed Pro Controller might not be without its faults but it achieves its goal of providing an alternative control scheme that’s perfect for serious gamers. Pros Great for twitch movements Makes portable gaming feel like console gaming Excellent D-Pad Cons Connectivity issues ...

Verdict Even after all this time, Burnout Paradise remains an absolute blast to play. The upgrade to 60fps in Remastered only heightens the adrenaline rush, and the game’s emphasis on exploration and quick-fire racing make it a brilliant fit for ...

Verdict There were times during my playthrough of Mario Golf: Super Rush where I really got into the fun of golf, analysing the details of a course and fist-bumping the air when a shot went exactly like I planned it. ...

Verdict Metroid Prime’s core game design hasn’t aged too well in the years since its original release, but in this Remastered version, its visuals and sense of atmosphere have never been better, making it an easy one to recommend for ...

Verdict Nearly two decades after its first entry, the WarioWare series still knows how to keep things feeling fresh, and the series’ chaotic bombardment of microgames is as addictive as ever. While the experience might not be as rich as ...