Flat 10 years back in 2008 Android was introduced to us and after that, the smartphone market has increased rapidly. Now in 2020, most of us already know what is android, how useful it is, and what more can be ...

Just like wearing a face mask installing a video conferencing app has become a new normal practice. Probably there is no smartphone left that did not install a video conferencing app in 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lots of ...

Millions of apps are being released each year and only a few get popular and survive in the market. Why so?- because nearly 68% of users do not use an app ever after installing it and even they uninstall it ...

Once Gartner said ‘every company is a technology company. And in 2020 we are better understanding the meaning of this quote. More and more businesses are adopting sophisticated technologies to reach their goals.  Artificial Intelligence is one of those heartthrobs ...

Days are gone when businesses used to refer to blockchain as cryptocurrency. Yes, they have a connection but that does not mean both are the same concepts. In 1991, Stuat Haber and W Scott Srornetta described blockchain technology for the ...