Definition: This method simply removes the specified from the original dictionary, also pop method returns the value so we have to assign it to some variable. This method changes the original dictionary. Syntax: X = dictionary.pop(‘key_name’ , ‘Default’) key_name = ...
Definition: This method simply removes the last inserted item from the dictionary, since it returns the item, we can print it directly or using any variable. The original dictionary gets changed. Syntax: X = dictionary.popitem() This method takes no argument. ...
Definition: Refer below image while reading definition. This method returns the value of the specified key from the dictionary. Note that this method does not remove the item but it returns the copy of the item so the original item ...
Definition: The update() method inserts the specified item into the existing dictionary. The item must be specified into curly braces meaning in dictionary format. This method changes the original dictionary. Syntax: Dictionary.update({key : value}) This method takes dictionary or iterable ...
Definition: The values() method returns a view object. This view object contains the values of the dictionary in list format. Also, this view object is directly connected to the original dictionary so if any changes occur it will be reflected ...