Opposites attract, they say, and for Fion Foo and Kennedy Chew, the founders of Fii Beauty, this couldn’t be more true. Meeting in secondary school 14 years ago, Fion was the studious, obedient one, while Kennedy embodied the rebellious spirit. ...

In recent years, the tiny house movement has gained significant momentum globally, with more people looking to downsize and live simpler lives. Tiny houses, which are usually less than 500 square feet, are increasingly becoming popular for those seeking a ...

foodpanda, the largest food and grocery delivery network in Asia outside of China, announced today (April 20) that it has partnered with TADA, a blockchain-based ride-hailing platform, to offer new user benefits for customers in Singapore and Cambodia. The partnership ...

When Lim Wai Mun first founded Doctor Anywhere, healthcare was a completely new arena for him. The 41-year-old has a background in engineering, but started out in the finance industry with Standard Chartered doing private equity. He then spent close ...

Cryptocurrency exchange Luno announced yesterday (April 17) that it will no longer be providing services to customers in Singapore from 20 June 2023. The company said it was a difficult decision to make, but it was part of a regular ...