Razer, the world’s leading lifestyle brand for gamers, announced today (April 6) that it will be opening its first retail store in Singapore. Located at Funan Singapore, in the heart of the city center, the new RazerStore will offer fans ...

In 2017, Luckin Coffee burst onto the Chinese coffee scene with a mission to challenge the dominance of Starbucks. By offering affordable, convenient, and tech-savvy coffee options, the company quickly gained a loyal following among younger Chinese consumers. In just ...

Cross-border payments between Singapore and Malaysia have been made easier with the launch of cross-border QR code payment connectivity, announced jointly by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) today (March 31). Customers of participating financial ...

About 950,000 Singaporean households living in Housing Board flats will receive their quarterly U-Save Goods and Services Tax (GST) Voucher and service and conservancy charges (S&CC) rebate in April, according to the Ministry of Finance (MOF). The payments are part ...

In a bustling city like Singapore, it’s hard to stand out in the competitive F&B industry, but these four friends have managed to carve a niche for themselves with their coconut-based desserts. Kenneth Lim, Nicholas Tan, Chan Hao Yuan, and ...