Cancer Survivors Share First Symptoms That Alerted Them

Cancer Survivors Share First Symptoms That Alerted Them


“My friend Cathy was probably late 40s or early 50s. She and her husband wanted to live off the grid and participate in the world only on their terms. One day, she and her husband came down the mountain to visit; they lived two hours north. She mentioned that they were about ready for her husband to quit his job, and then they’d sell everything and start over in another state.”

“‘Before I tell him to quit, I’d like to get your opinion,’ she said. ‘Let’s go into the bathroom. I want to show you something.’

This wasn’t something I expected or anticipated. She lowered her pants and had me look just above her buttocks. There was a three-inch growth that resembled a worm. It was large, thick, and angry-looking.

‘Don’t let him quit his job yet,’ I said. ‘You need a doctor first. Do it while you still have insurance.’

‘What do you think it is?’

‘That’s way above my pay grade,’ I said. I’m not medical in any way, shape, or form.’

The next week, she saw her primary care doctor, who turned her over to a specialist, which kind, I don’t know.

‘Thanks for telling me to see the doctor,’ she said. ‘He’s going to hang in until we get to the bottom of this.’

My friend had anal cancer. Because she wanted to handle her healing herself, she went with a natural approach and ate only things with no mothers and no faces and watched only old screwball comedies on TV. In three years, she went from an 85% survival rate to terminal. By the time she went back to a ‘normal’ doctor, she was inoperable and in tremendous pain. Hospice wouldn’t provide her with enough pain medication to control her pain. It was a horrible death.

In a nutshell, noticing something unusual needs to be investigated. Only you really know your body; keep looking for answers.”

Lisa Dooley Fisk, Quora

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