College Students Share Shocking School Scandals

College Students Share Shocking School Scandals


“So my senior year of college, some friends of mine hosted a house party that I decided to skip. The next day, I woke up to my roommates telling me all about the craziest thing they’d ever seen. This house (where the party was) had a big pool, and college kids being college kids, decided to jump off the roof into the pool. Everyone was drunk and/or on drugs, so obviously not a great plan as is. This one girl decided she wanted to be on the roof, but apparently wasn’t so sure about jumping off into the pool. As the story goes, she wasn’t ready to jump and someone pushed her. She would’ve needed a running start to clear the concrete and she didn’t have a running start, obviously.”

“She ended up surviving, but she slammed onto the side of the pool, shattering most of her lower body, getting a concussion, being knocked out, almost drowning, and fracturing her spine. The girl and her parents sued the owners of the house and my friends who were renting.” 

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