Devil In Disguise! Release Date & More

Devil In Disguise! Release Date & More

Are you a fan of the martial arts manga series Kengan Omega? If so, get ready for the much-awaited release of Kengan Omega Chapter 208. If you’re a fan of Kengan Ashura, you’ll love the sequel’s unforgettable fights and well-crafted action. Fans of the series are eagerly anticipating the release of the new chapter. Keep scrolling to find out what’s more in store for fans in this manga.

In the previous chapter, Kengan Omega Chapter 207, we saw the seven Nikos, who took the name Tokita Niko and developed their own unique martial arts skills. Their master, Gaoh Mukaku, sent them on a mission to make their name famous in a lawless, artificial zone. However, little did he know that one of them was a devil in disguise. As the story continues in chapter 208, fans can’t wait to see what will happen next.

What Happened In Chapter 207

Chapter 207 of Kengan Omega, titled “Seven Nikos,” introduced seven Nikos who took on the name Tokita Niko. Each referred to the other by a number, revealing that they all shared the same name. Gaoh Mukaku, their master or, as he claimed, their father, trained them. Mukaku’s motive was to make them infamous by letting them run wild and become known worldwide for their villainy.

Furthermore, the Seven Nikos were sent to the “Inside,” an artificial zone characterized by lawlessness created by a malicious society called the Worm. The Worm’s territory was an artificial Gu chamber. During the downfall of the Shogunate, they incited the remaining soldiers to kill each other, taking advantage of the societal upheaval. Mukaku’s plan paid off, and everyone came to know about the legendary Tokita. Mukaku told the Seven Nikos that they would go to the Gakigahara Forest to complete the incomplete Niko style and learn the secret technique. However, he was unaware that a devil was hidden among the Seven Nikos.

Kengan Omega Chapter 208

Kengan Omega Chapter 208: What Will Happen In The Next One?

Chapter 208 of Kengan Omega is set to release very soon, and fans cannot wait to see what is in store for them. Although there are no confirmed spoilers for the upcoming chapter, fans on the Kengan Asura subreddit have been discussing their predictions and expectations for the chapter.

Many fans believe that the chapter will continue with the story of the Seven Nikos and the devil hidden among them. It is also possible that we may see some action-packed fight scenes between some of the other characters. With the Kengan Association and the Purgatory organizations still at war, anything can happen in the upcoming chapter.

Kengan Omega Chapter 208

Kengan Omega Chapter 208: Release Date

Fans of Kengan Omega have been eagerly waiting for the release of Chapter 208, and the wait is finally over! The new chapter is set to hit the shelves on May 3, 2023, and fans can’t wait to get their hands on it. With the previous chapter ending on such an exciting note, readers hope the next chapter will provide some much-needed answers. So mark your calendars, and get ready for an action-packed adventure in the world of Kengan Omega. At last, keep an eye on The Anime Daily to get all updates on this right here.

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