Did you know CMA Intervenes for The Second Time and Asks Social Media Giants to Remove Groups Selling Fake Reviews On Their Platform

Did you know CMA Intervenes for The Second Time and Asks Social Media Giants to Remove Groups Selling Fake Reviews On Their Platform

Do you know writing and selling fake reviews online is turning into a proper business? People give fake misleading reviews online for a website and in return get paid a pretty good amount for that and such tactics are increasing online day after day.

UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and its regulators are intervening since last year and asking social media giants to remove such groups that are trading fake reviews on its platform and prevent their platforms from being used as thriving marketplaces for selling fake reviews. It managed to pressurize EBay and Facebook to act against fake reviews and the CMA had managed make Facebook to remove a mere 188 groups and disabled 24 user accounts last year and this year the CMA looks more on the role as it has come to news that Facebook has managed to remove 16,000 groups that were trading fake reviews on its platform after another intervention this year.

Although Facebook has managed to disable individual accounts which do such fake review selling online but its number is comparatively lower than the tech giants removal of groups and that is because the regulators at CMA are more inclined towards tech giants removing groups more because according to them banned or suspended users are able to create new profiles, whereas removing the group in which fake reviews are being traded is seen as a more effective way to impact and deter the activity.

Facebook made a few changes to combat this fake review problem on its platform such as suspending or banning users who are repeatedly creating Facebook groups and Instagram profiles that promote, encourage fake and misleading reviews. The tech giant has introduced new automated processes that will improve the detection and removal of this content more which will make it harder for people to use Facebook’s search tools to find fake and misleading review groups and profiles on Facebook and Instagram. By doing all this the company is hopeful that there will be a decline in the fake review selling activity on their platform.

But even though Facebook has taken quite a few steps to reduce the groups and accounts selling reviews on their platform the CMA is not satisfied with the tech giant claiming that Facebook is not doing enough to clean up to curb the fake reviews issue because CMA asked tech giants to reduce this activity on their platforms over a year ago and since then Facebook could have taken a lot more steps to reduce this activity than they did. On this Facebook said that their resources to tackle the problem have been greatly impacted due to the ongoing pandemic with a lot of employees working from home and even though Facebook’s full year revenue increased in 2020 but so too did its expenses.

Photo: Jeff Chiu/AP