Did you know The New Windows 10X OS Will Introduce Anti-Theft Measures To Windows Products Upon Launch

Did you know The New Windows 10X OS Will Introduce Anti-Theft Measures To Windows Products Upon Launch

Windows 10X will be featuring an “anti-theft protection” system, via which users can protect their Microsoft devices from factory resets, in case of theft.

Windows 10 recently surpassed its goal of reaching a billion different desktops in 2020, and has firmly established itself as the current definitive Windows OS. Clearly, this means that now is the time to go further beyond. And thus, Windows 10X was conceived. An entirely new interface, built from the ground up using the Windows Core OS as a template, that’s designed to integrate newer features and give users a more contemporary experience than the traditional main-line Microsoft products. While the new software was built with smaller devices such as tablets in mind, there’s a lot it’s bringing to the table that might even be featured in proper desktop builds down the line.

While Microsoft hasn’t officially delved into any details regarding Windows 10X or what it offers to users, a build of the OS was recently leaked that allowed everyone to get a proper look at the new gizmos in store. One of these features which attracted a particular amount of attention was the anti-theft protection feature mentioned above. Prior to 10X, if a Windows device was unlocked, going to Settings and resetting it back to factory defaults was an all-too easy task, making it both difficult to track the device for its owner and easier to sell or utilize for the thief. Most of us have enough worries about online threats to our precious devices without having to be concerned with physical ones as well.

This is a design flaw that Windows 10X is apparently looking to fix. Once turned on from a device’s settings tab, the anti-theft protection system prevents simple factory resets. Instead, the device in question will now ask for either the actual user’s Microsoft account password or a PIN before the reset will occur, rendering the device rather useless outside of breaking down for parts. And while that’s certainly not a better alternative, users can at least indulge in a slight bit of smug satisfaction to drown out the grief.

Other than this, there’s a lot more that’s new to the Windows 10X. Due to its comparatively radical nature, the OS features an entirely new user interface that molds and adapts itself according to the device’s physical position (such as desktop, tablet, or tented). With further changes such as a new taskbar and Start menu being touted, there’s a lot to be hyped about for Windows fans when this eventually rolls around onto products in 2021.

 H/T: BC / MSPU.